Risk Questionnaire
Answer the following questions to help us assess which portfolio is right for you.
I plan to begin taking money from my investments in...
As I withdraw money from these investments, I plan to spend it over a period of...
When making a long-term investment, I plan to keep the money invested for...
From September 2008 through November 2008, stocks lost more than 31% of their value. If I owned a stock investment that lost 31% of its value in three months, I would... (If you owned stocks during this period, please select the answer that matches your actions at that time.)
Generally, I prefer an investment with little or no ups or downs in value, and I am willing to accept the lower returns these investments may make.
When the market goes down, I tend to sell some of my riskier investments and put the money in safer investments
Based only on a brief conversation with a friend, coworker, or relative, I would invest in a mutual fund.
From September 2008 through October 2008, bonds lost nearly 4% of their value. If I owned a bond investment that lost almost 4% of its value in two months, I would... (If you owned bonds during this period, please select the answer that matches your actions at that time.)
Which of the three investment choices do you prefer?
My current and future income sources (such as salary, Social Security, pension) are...
When it comes to investing in stock or bond mutual funds (or individual stocks or bonds), I would describe myself as...